2011 Resolutions....

So here were my goals for this past year.  Just evaluating how it went.... and adding some of these to my new list for next year.

1 -  Pray more.  Not just small prayers or nightly prayers with Jeremy or the girls or at mealtimes.  But more alone time with God just seeking His will for my life and thanking Him for who He is and all He has and will do.  
**Found it difficult to do this one.  Will have to find more time this year and make it more of a priority on my own.  Easy with family or just Jeremy - hard to find true alone time.

2 - Take at least one vacation.  This one is cheating a little as I already know we'll go somewhere as we have two free plane tickets, BUT it means actually using them.  

**Guess it wasn't cheating.  No vacation this year.  BUT we did purchase tickets to go on a cruise in June 2012.  So it's a step in the right direction!

3 - Be more wise with what we have.  Use our money more wisely.  Use my time more efficiently.  Use my recreation time as recreation - not extra work time.

**Wisdom we were given.  Still not sure how we made everything work out.  And the answer is that we did our best, but God is to be praised for getting us through and getting us through well.
4 -  Try one new recipe a month.

**This would mean that I actually cook a lot.  Happened one time this year.
5 -  Dive in.  (something I desire to do - unable to be shared at the moment)

**Referred to taking Madi in and prayed that it would happen.  So glad she is here and amazed at how it's gone.  So it's actually the first "goal" that was reached.
6 - Build back up to running 3 miles.  I sooo very much miss running as it used to be something I loved to do in my spare time.  Gave me more energy and I just felt good.  Ran great after having Riley, but have not yet found time with two kids to squeeze it all in.  Hoping to do it by the end of next year as I'll have to start at ground zero (ugh!!). 

**Does running three times this year count for anything?  Totally did NOT reach this goal.  Couldn't even find time to go to the bathroom without interruption from kids let alone actually going outside on my own for thirty minutes - ha!
7 -  Choose at least one day a week to not check Facebook.  This is totally ridiculous to put on here, but needs to be done.  

**Pathetically achieved.  Meaning, didn't do it.  I'm a sucker for looking at what everyone else is up to.  Will need to work on this.
8 - Go on a date night with Jeremy once a month.  Again - with two kids, we hardly went out and spent time together.  Definitely a priority that needs to be made. 

** YES!!!!  We went out at least one night a month.  Sometimes we hadn't gone out all month and were able to go out the last day of the month, but we did it!  Will definitely work to do this again.  Truly made a difference in our relationship.
9 -  Develop WeeCrochet even more.  WeeCrochet is a business that my sis-in-law, mother-in-law and I do.  We make custom items such as cowls, hats, baby sets, dishcloths, etc...  great way for us to hang out together and fun to do too!!

**Woo hoo!  Started my Etsy store this year.  Wrote two of my own patterns to be sold soon on Etsy.  Developed it more and bought mannequins and more tables, etc...  
10 - Learn a new skill.  Not sure what that will be yet.  Last year it was crocheting.  In previous years, it was learning guitar.  Always fun to see what new skill will be added.  Maybe speaking in Italian for our trip to Italy - right, Jeremy?  I hear Italy calling our name.... 

**Learned how to knit!!  Loving it!

So all in all, I achieved five of my goals.  Two of them which were very large goals that couldn't have happened without God.  Desperately failed in my attempt to cook and take time away from Facebook.  And somewhat started the other three, but didn't succeed in the way I hoped.  All in all, very happy with what was achieved and looking forward to setting new goals for this year!!!


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