
The saying "duh" should be used carefully.  I often use it when I'm talking about myself - as in "duh - I should have remembered that!"  Tonight Riley was getting herself ready for bed, brushing her teeth and going potty.  I didn't see or hear her go potty as I was putting something away in our room.  So I asked if she went.  And she said she did.  I had her sit on the potty for just a minute in case she was just teasing me.  Which does happen every now and again.

She got off the potty and goes "See Mom!  I told you I already goed.  (as in go followed by -ed)  I knew I'd already done it."

I tell her "Yes, Riley.  You did already tell me.  I should have believed you.  You're probably like "duh Mom!"

Riley responds "Yes dumb Mom!"

I tell her "Well, what I really meant was like 'duh' - like 'what were you thinking."

Riley responds again "Dumb Mom.  Argh."

Yes, I'll be rethinking how and if I ever say this again.


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