I Believe

Tonight I read Riley the story of Moses when God allowed him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt to the promised land and through the Red Sea.  Riley asked for this story to be read.  I got to the part where the wind came from the East and the sea opened up to create a path for the Israelites.

Me:  Wow!  Isn't that amazing?  That would have been crazy to see, huh?!

Riley:  I totally believe it, Mom!  I know God could do it!  I know it!  I believe He can.  I believe in Him.  I believe in Egypt!  I believe that He can do anything.  I know He can make clothes... and dogs... and curtains... and everything!!  And I know that Grandma and Grandpa believe in Him too.

Me:  It's really great to be able to trust and believe in such an amazing God, isn't it!

Riley:  We all believe in Jesus.

Me:  Yes we do.  There are some people who don't believe in Him.  Some people don't know Jesus in their hearts.  Some of the kids in your class won't know Him or believe in Him.  It's sad for them that they don't know Him because He's so good and awesome.

Riley:  Oh.  That's so sad Mom.  I feel bad for them.  But I believe in Him.  I know He can do it.

Me:  There is one friend in your class who believes in Jesus - Kiah!

Riley:  Oh yeah!!!  I love her!


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