Book Character Day

Riley has Book Character Day at school so since her cat outfit was only $5, we found a beautiful costume for her to wear to school.  She was Scarlett O'Hara, the southern belle.  The dress was white with pink trim and a khaki colored hat with pink tie under the chin.  She looked incredibly beautiful in it!  

All day Riley wore it.  Come to find out that it was beautiful, but a pain.  We knew the large hoop skirt would be difficult to sit in.  She couldn't sit on the floor well so her teacher had her sit in a chair while everyone else in the class sat on the floor.  She wasn't too happy about that.

She said that the girls in dresses could only stand around and talk on recess and weren't able to play like the boys.  And she got woodchips in her dress. 

The dress was caught on her chair and had to be untangled where the edges had frayed and caught on it.  She tripped on it.  Students tripped on it.

She was truly the belle of the school and incredibly beautiful.  But hoopskirts and big dresses will definitely be out of the picture next year as she'll want something simpler which is totally fine!


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