Christmas Lights Again

Julia:  Wow dose are beautiful yights!  Grandpa did a great job putting dem up!  (looking at the many trees lighting the entrance to their subdivision)

Riley:  Grandpa didn't do that Julia!

Julia:  Yes he did!!

Riley:  No he didn't!

Us:  Riley, just let her be.  Sometimes it's just better to say "Wow - those are pretty" or to just smile and say "Yes!" than to correct a person to be right.  We like the lights too, Jules

Julia:  Me too!

Riley:  Wow - whoever did those lights did a great job!  That's something you could say.  I like the way some person put those lights up!

Julia:  Grandpa did that.

Riley:  Julia, that's not what I'm saying.  I'm saying that the person who did them did a great job.  I'm not saying that Grandpa did a great job.  I'm saying that the person who did them did a great job.

Julia:  Oh.  Ok!

**Side note:  My mom told the girls that Grandpa decorated the entrance.  Julia is amazed at his abilities, but Riley knows he didn't do it and ever since finding out, is determined to help Julia understand this.


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