Commission Chart for Riley

Riley's Commissions:

**Using the free app:  my job chart.  Amazing!  You can get it here:

She earns up to a dollar every day for what she chooses to do.  She and I worked together to come up with her jobs each day.  Each job has a responsibility as well as a meaning behind it.

Doing homework and reading encourages her to take her role as a student seriously and to do the best at what she is learning.  This will carry through to high school and college and into the job world some day.  Whatever we can encourage now, can only help!  While I don't believe in paying students to learn, I do believe that teaching them to do their role where they are now is important.  Her job is to learn.

Practicing piano increases her musical ability, teaches consistency and discipline.  Plus it is a great skill to have!

As a part of our family, she has roles she can play to help.  Getting herself dressed in the morning will help Jeremy and I to get things ready and moving.  Mornings are always hectic and with her helping to get herself dressed, it will help her to be independent as well as to do her part.  Wiping the table and sweeping the kitchen were roles she wanted to help with.  She'll do great!

Jobs on Monday thru Friday (worth 20 cents each):
1.  Get herself dressed in the mornings.
2.  Do your homework after school each night.
3.  Practice piano for 10-15 minutes each day.
4.  Read on my ipad - leveled readers and other books on her iPad library for ten minutes and then play on it (paid for the reading - not playing)
5.  Wipe the table after dinner.

Jobs on Saturday and Sunday (worth 20 cents each):
1.  Make your bed
2.  Clean your room
3.  Practice piano for 10-15 minutes
4.  Put her laundry away (with help from me with hangers in the closet)
5.  Sweep the kitchen after dinner.

If jobs are not done that day, she is not paid for them.  We're using several of Dave Ramsey's ideas.  I haven't ever done any of his ideas before, but have started reading up on it more.

A great article on commissions for kids:


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