Three Men in a Boat

Finished this book quickly!  Was an easy read.  I found myself smirking or chuckling, but not roll-on-the-floor laughing or laughing out loud.  It was clever.  I had looked up classic books and this was on the list.  Humorous and an easy read.

I loved the list of ailments he claimed to have.  I also loved how he would talk about what a hard worker he was and how noone else worked like he did.  Only to then prove it by trying to make everyone else do the work so he could oversee things while putting down how ill equipped his teammates were at doing anything.  Each man thought better of themselves and it never ended the way each of them wanted as they thought it should have been there way.  The song and the picture were two fantastic parts as well.

In fact, you can purchase it on a kindle edition free (this was put together by a team of volunteers):


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