Gymnastics Meet

Riley had her fourth gymnastics meet today at Best Gymnastics in Flower Mound.  She has worked so hard!  The past two weeks she has had two private sessions with Coach David to work on landing harder on the spring board.  She wasn't feeling as though she was improving (she's so hard on herself), but the second time she felt like she was getting it better.

Today's meet went really well.  She did her windmill all by herself on the bars!  She did awesome on beam and floor.  Always does amazing on those.  Then came vault.

She ran hard and hit the board and landed so great!!  Her score:  9.3!!!!

Her entire team won third place overall.  Her coach said that since she had improved and worked so hard on the vault, she was the one chosen to take home the team trophy until tomorrow.  Riley was beyond excited about that!


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