Yearly Goal Check-Up #1

Finally taking time to evaluate where I am with my goals for this year.  Here goes...

1.  Take a course to learn Finale
Not yet... but working on it!

2.  Continue learning Spanish using a workbook, Duolingo app and lunch with friends
Have done Duolingo every single day this year - even while at TMEA - and working in the workbook.  Still need to do the lunch with friends more and push myself to speak it!

3.  Go to church
We went to church for 5 weeks straight.  Missed the last two weeks due to Conferences and something else... but it's better!

4.  Complete my SMU Graduate School Degree in December
Started my Kodaly class - on week 4 this week!

5.  Clean our upstairs room completely and begin using it as a livable area to workout, play video games and lounge
We've been using it to work out, play the Wii and watch movies.  Has been great!!  Hoping to still declutter it more...

6.  Finish reading the entire Bible
On day 253 out of 365... 45 days ahead of where the reading plan says I should be.

7.  Apply to teach a workshop/session at TMEA and offer workshops in local districts/Orff chapters/GSES
Still figuring this out...

8.  Go on one date each month with Jeremy
Went on a date last month when my parents were in town.  It is Valentine's day, but we don't do date nights on Valentines as we find it more stressful as it's always so crowded and feels too 'required.'  So we'll find another night soon - I hope!

9.  Limit myself to purchasing only one new unnecessary item for myself each month
Purchased the new pair of pants on January 1 and didn't buy anything else for myself the whole month that was unnecessary.  February 14 and I haven't purchased anything for myself this month - yay!!

10.  Find a tv show series to watch
Tv?  What is tv?  Not even close to this.

11.  Family Fridays
Spent time this weekend... not really scheduling it.

12.  Complete the Google Teacher Certified Educator Level One
Surprised myself - completed it and passed the test.  Moving on to Level Two and four modules in.

12.  Do all I can to locate, contact and engage with my brother Jim
Sent Rana a letter and a picture of Jim.  They'll be posting a flyer up to see if they get any responses.  Praying...


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